The Torah connects the upper and lower worlds, linking the people of Israel below with the heavenly realms above. The Torah is clothed in narratives that allow its holiness to be revealed in this world. The Book of Esther (Megillat Esther) is a prophetic text, written with divine inspiration, containing both revealed and hidden wisdom. All its narratives—like Ahasuerus’s feast and Haman’s downfall—are not mere stories but are garments concealing profound lessons that magnify the miracle of Purim and serve as examples for transformation and personal growth in our lives.
Rabbi Moshe Isserles (the Rema), renowned for his commentary on Jewish law, systematically analyzed Megillat Esther in his work Mechir Yayin, uncovering treasures of allegories and hidden meanings. This book, built on his insights, is divided into two sections: teachings based on the Rema’s work and a detailed sentence-by-sentence
analysis of the text. The latter also serves as a study guide for a deeper understanding of the Megillah and can be used to follow along with the public reading on the holiday.
Mordechai Hasofer was born and raised in Australia. He has a diverse educational background, having studied at the Rabbinical College of Australia and New Zealand in Melbourne, Australia, as well as completing studies in mechanical engineering and chemistry at NSW Technical College. He was among the pioneers of HACCP food quality consulting in Australia and subsequently served as the manager of ingredients and food production for Harav Moshe Yehudah Leib Landa, ztz”l, the chief rabbi of Bnei Brak, for 25 years. In this capacity, he oversaw the setup and approval of production facilities and food ingredients for some of the largest food companies in Israel and internationally, including Coca-Cola and Strauss Ice Cream. This role required extensive collaboration with leading international kosher certification bodies.
In addition to his professional responsibilities, he is regularly invited to deliver lectures on kosher food production, both in Israel and internationally. He also provides consulting services to various kosher certification and information bodies, specializing in ingredient analysis and the establishment of kosher production facilities.