Who doesn’t love a good trivia challenge? Jewish & Israel Trivia takes your brain on a fun, fact-filled journey through history, culture, and all things Jewish! Packed with original questions, surprising hints, and Aha! moments, this book is the perfect combo of learning and laughing.
Who needs this book?
Trivia Titans: Think you know it all? Prepare to be humbled!
Shabbat Showoffs: Impress your family with quirky facts over dessert.
History Buffs & Culture Nerds: Deep dives into Jewish lore and Israeli life.
Fun-Lovers: Whether it’s for game night or killing time on a plane, this book is your perfect companion.
This book would make an excellent gift or provide an evening of fun among friends.
"You don’t have to be Jewish to love Jewish & Israel Trivia … but it helps! Herskowitz has compiled a volume of fascinating and fun facts across 15 categories (ex. sports, history, geography). Each of the 282 questions is followed by hints, sometimes amusing, sometimes corny, before the answer is revealed. Some of the questions are only tangentially related to Jewish/Israel interests, requiring a broad knowledge base to solve the riddles.
"My favorite question is about a record-breaking Israeli flight that took off with 1,086 passengers and landed with 1,088. What flight was this, and how could it land with more passengers than boarded?
"The book is also nicely illustrated with drawings and photographs on almost every page. The author’s wife, Esti, a licensed Israeli tour guide, has provided a treasure trove of additional information relating to the questions on each page. In my opinion, tour guides are the unsung heroes of Israel, imparting a deep knowledge of the history and geography of the land.
"This book would make an excellent gift or provide an evening of fun among friends. It is a great book for anyone who enjoys trivia, history and a sense of humor
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