The book of Genesis introduces the Patriarch Abraham who is chosen to be the progenitor of the Jewish people. But there is nothing prior to his selection which indicates why he is qualified for such a lofty status. This book identifies – based on the text of Genesis – what Abraham’s three principle qualifications were. It goes on to demonstrate that thesis by illustrating how God tested those attributes in an exquisitely detailed and organized fashion – the “ten tests of Abraham”. This leads to an understanding of the ladder of blessings: that God blesses Abraham so many distinct times – each with a different blessing. Understanding these three qualifications is key to unlock many secrets of the Biblical text. It explains the reason for the narrative and set of vignettes provided in Genesis. It explains Isaac’s love for his evil son Esau, including his apparent desire to provide extraordinary blessings to him – even domination over his scholarly son Jacob. It also explains why Jacob’s children – no matter how sinful – are included in the Chosen People, although Isaac’s sinful son Esau is not included. Abraham is chosen to lead a Chosen People at a particular time and place. Why did God decide to have a Chosen People? Why was its progenitor selected at the particular time that he was? All that, and more, is discussed in this book.